Social Media is Quickly Becoming a Major Factor in SEO

Social Media is quickly becoming a major factor in SEO. A strong and active social media presence has the potential to push you above all of your competitors within search engine rankings. So in case you are still not convinced lets go through it in more detail for you.

Social Signals WHAT?

Ok so if you have not heard yet what social signals are then let us fill you in. Social signals are simply likes, shares, votes, pins . Visits to your social media paged such as Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Google+ and Pinterest. These social signals once achieved will greatly boost your SERP which is Search Engine Results Page. Meaning you get closer to page one the buying page as we like to call it around here. Social signals are trusted greatly by Google and other search engines so should play a big part in your marketing.

Social Now Playing A Big Part

SEO strategies still play a foundational part of your SEO but social signals may be the extra boost your search rankings need. Backlinks, keywords, metadata and content are still important SEO factors. But once Google introduced Panda and Penguin updates, the content on a site and its value to the visitor was a major focus and still is. But now social is playing a big part and may be something we all need to prepare for.

The Facts About Social Signals:

  1. Social signals done right reduce bounce rates and achieve regular visits
  2. Liking of pages may start to reduce the need for back links
  3. Enhancement of brands visibility
  4. Creates Inbound links which result in higher search engine rankings
  5. Consumers look to social signals to help them make the best purchase decisions

Why Are Social Signals Important

With the increasing popularity of social media this has drastically changed the way we communicate with each other. Social signals has become a product of this type of communication. What was once a tool to stay in touch and keep up with people. Has now become a market place for main stream businesses.

People on social networks that shared links to products services and articles from there stream to their friends and family. This is natural and this and this is what Google really wants. Research has shown that people who visit sites that have been recommended to them by a friend. Become more committed towards that brand and will regularly visit the site.

So What’s Your Next Move

If your social presence is still not up to scratch what should you do now. Well everyone has to start somewhere and so will you. Get your profiles set up on the most popular platforms. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Pinterest. Once built take one at a time and master it or do all at the same time it’s up to you.

Work on all accounts regularly and keep them active with interesting content and you don’t have to be to professional. Remember it’s social so be active engaging and do it regularly. Furthermore stop pushing products on people, engage and get the conversation going.

The Strategy Of Choice

When customers see you adding value to your social stream. Your brands social sites will soon become a regular visiting place for your audience. Social Media is an opportunity lost when not used by brands and companies. The strategy of choice now is social media that will get your brand in the face of more customers. But as its a strategy of choice not many will choose it but those that do will benefit greatly.

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By | 2018-05-25T14:35:53+00:00 November 18th, 2017|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

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